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reading room


reading room

The Reading Room at basis is a non-lending library offering a broad selection of international art magazines, catalogues, and selected literature on art, culture, society, and criticism to the public. Publishers and concept bookstores are also invited to contribute thematically relevant literature.

In addition to the publications on offer and parallel to the exhibition program a wide range of events connected with art, culture, society, and criticism are also presented in the Reading Room. Events and projects are either independent or connected to a particular exhibition context. This layering of contents facilitates a thematic broadening and deepening of some of the more compelling subject areas within the cultural and art contexts. Readings, presentations, artist talks, discussions, self-publishing projects, and screenings round off the thematic program of the Reading Room.

Installation View, on display: Sam Forsythe & Brian Rogers, 2014

on display

on display was an exhibition format specially conceived for the basis reading room. young artists are invited to present current videos parallel to the exhibition program in a regular monthly cycle.

the solo presentation at the reading room gives the public a chance to engage intensively with the work in question, and, further, over a long period the opportunity to get to know works by a wide range of young artists working in the field of moving pictures.

Installation View, on display: Klara Hobza, 2014



Here you will find an overview of all publications in the reading room. 
publication list as pdf.