


de_colonialanguage, Irina Denkmann
23.05.2025 to 03.08.2025
Amna Elhassan

Guided Tours

Thu., 27.03. – 6 PM
Guided tour with Lukas Picard

basis e.V. is permanently supported by

history of the building

Gutleutstraße 8-12

Declaration of the Many

For diversity and pluralism

HAP Studio-Programme // Exhibition

November 29, 2024 until April 6, 2025

HAP - Hessisches Atelierprogramm

Congratulations to our HAP artists:

HAP across-hesse 2025-2027:
Romina Abate, Ateliergemeinschaft, Grüner Weg 40, Gina Bolle, Marc Behrens, Jiyoon Chung, Janosch Feiertag, Verena Freyschmidt, Martha Frieda Friedel, Charlotte Lilli Frieda Rahn, Ingke Günther, Katrin Leitner-Peter, Carolin Liebl, Lars Moritz, Lada Nakonechna, Samuel Nerl, Paul Pape, RHO Kollektiv, Uta Schneider, Nikolas Schmid-Pfähler, Moritz Schneidewendt, Joshua Weitzel, Joschua Yesni Arnaut, Mania Kollektiv, Trafohaus, Waschraum

HAP Studio-Program 2025–2029:
Cudelice Brazelton IV, Béla Feldberg, Paul Haas, Zishi Han, Heman Singh Lutchmun, Thủy-Tiên Nguyễn, Ian Waelder, Faina Yunusova

HAP across-hesse 2024-2026:
Joey Arand, X Breidenbach, Laura Hicks, KARWATH+TODISKO, Raphaël Languillat

HAP Studio-Program 2023–2027:
Yun Heo, Nadia Perlov, Alex Thake, Sonja Yakovleva

HAP across-hesse 2023–2025:
Romina Abate, Nicole Ahland, Ateliergemeinschaft Grüner Weg 40, Philipp Benkert, Christine Biehler, Monika Bodenmüller, Karsten Bott,  Patrick David Brockmann, Max Brück, Andreas Diefenbach, Janosch Feiertag & Sarah Metz, Verena Freyschmidt, Tanja Jürgensen, Katrin Leitner-Peter, Carolin Liebl & Nikolas Schmid-Pfähler, Paula Mierzowsky, Paul Pape, Charlotte Rahn, RHO Kollektiv, Moritz Schneidewendt

HAP Studio-Program 2021–2025:
James Gregory Atkinson, Živa Drvarič, Shaun Motsi, Lukas Müller, Ivan Murzin, Dennis Siering, Joana Tischkau, Franziska Wildt

basis Feature: directly from basis Studios and our Residency Network

How do cultural workers and institutions deal with the current situation? Here you will find insights into current projects, ideas and working conditions of artists from our studios! You can also learn more about the perspectives of our partner organisations around the globe.


AIR_Frankfurt: Kuala Lumpur

Application Deadline:
March 30, 2025

AIR_Frankfurt: Seoul

application deadline:
March 30, 2025


HAP IEPA exchange program

application deadline: march 30, 2025

Now available! OPFERBLECH: Toni Schmale

now available: WAITHOOD MAGAZINE Issue 1 - Rest

news: Residencies

AIR_Frankfurt / AIR_Offenbach

Congratulations to the new scholars:
Beatrice Steimer (Strasbourg)

at basis in Frankfurt:
Alexandre Caretti (Strasbourg)


Award for BSMF and KEG

"Part of" in Praunheim

the art and music series "part of" is supported by