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opening hours
Dienstag - Freitag
14:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Samstag, Sonntag
12:00 - 18:00 Uhr
The eight artists James Gregory Atkinson, Živa Drvarič, Shaun Motsi, Lukas Müller, Ivan Murzin, Dennis Siering, Joana Tischkau, and Franziska Wildt have had their working practice at basis e. V. over the past four years. Since March 2021, they have been supported by the HAP Studio Programme, for which they have received free studios and an individually conceived mentoring programme. The works they created during this period are to be presented now in a closing exhibition.
The show makes it apparent just how indispensable the support of artistic creation is for the safeguarding of a lively and critical culture of discussion in society. The artists’ works are highly diverse and address crucial issues of our time. From confrontations with the advancing climate catastrophe in the Capitalocene to the reappraisal of suppressed chapters in the history of Europe and Greece. From the recognition and reflection of the history of Black Germans to the empathetic observation of everyday and existential moments.
Curated by Lukas Picard.
with kind support from: