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opening hours
Tuesday - Friday
2 pm - 7 pm
Saturday / Sunday
noon - 6 pm
With Selbstähnlich: Cihan Cakmak & Moshtari Hilal (Self-Similar: Cihan Cakmak & Moshtari Hilal), basis e.V. is showing photographs, drawings, video and sound works by the artists for the first time together in an exhibition. Both allow their own existence to flow into their work by using their bodies, their experiences and their family biographies. In doing so, they defy social norms, address inequalities, affiliations and power relations and question stereotypes of femininity and beauty. The subjective experiences and approaches of their works thus also allow for an examination of collective experiences or overall social structures. Even though the artists' subject is obviously at the centre of the work in their self-portraits, in the totality of the works the personal recedes behind larger questions of heteronomy and self-determination.
curated by Mariam Kamiab
The exhibition will be accompanied by a programme consisting of a panel, lecture and public guided tours.
July 7, 7 pm: Panel with Karosh Taha, Moshtari Hilal and Cihan Cakmak
July 21, 7 pm: Lecture with Prof. Dr. Dr. Jan Ilhan Kizilhan
Public Guided Tour:
11.06., 2 pm
30.06., 6 pm (curator-led tour)
09.07., 5 pm
06.08., 2 pm (curator-led tour)
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