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Open Call for Visual Artists: AIR_Frankfurt 2017
Open Call for Visual Artists: AIR_Frankfurt 2017
Call extended: New Deadline: February 5, 2017
Kuala Lumpur and Seoul are the partner-cities of AIR_Frankfurt 2017. Young artists who predominantly live and work in Frankfurt can apply. The residency in Kuala Lumpur takes place in May, June and July, the residency in Seoul in July, August and September.
The program is intended for young artists who predominantly live and work in Frankfurt. The artists should be highly qualified and be successful graduates of an art college. To be fluent in English is a further requirement. Applicants are selected by a jury appointed by the relevant city. Incomplete applications can not be considered.
How to apply
Frankfurt artists may apply for the Artist in Residence Program by submitting a detailed application to basis. A complete application consists of:
• an application for a specific city
• a letter of motivation with date and signature
• artistic CV
• the application form with work samples and a description of site-specific projects, if planned (download see below!)
Applicants are selected by a jury appointed by the relevant city. An independant jury awards up to five canditdates and proposes them to the partner-city. The director of the program at the partner-city selects one artist out of the five nominées.
Applications need to be handed in by postal service in hard copy as well as digitally via e-mail. Your application is classed as complete only when all accompanying documentation has also arrived.
New Application Deadline: February 5, 2017.
Download: Application form
Postal adress and contact
basis e.V.
production and exhibition platform
Subject: AIR_Frankfurt
Gutleutstrasse 8-12
60329 Frankfurt am Main
+49 / 69 / 400 376 17