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opening hours
Samstag, Sonntag
15:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Bohdan Bunchak is the current AIR_Frankfurt guest artist from Ukraine.
With the exhibition Delivering a message: mercy, he concludes his three-month residency at basis and presents his latest film and graphic works. In these, Bunchak experiments with speech and speechlessness in the face of ongoing war. Falling letters disappear into flowing color gradients. He asks: How to pray when your voice is shaking, you catch a hard shiver, your heart beats faster and anger makes you feel sick all over?
Due to the current situation caused by the Russian invasion, the city of Frankfurt and basis e.V. in cooperation with the Ukrainian Institute and the Goethe-Institut Ukraine have awarded three scholarships within the framework of air_frankfurt. Bohdan Bunchak is the third of three scholarship holders.