Mariam Kamiab
Tel. +49 (0)69 400 37 617
No-Travel-Scholarship 2021
AIR_Frankfurt: 6 no-travel-scholarships
AIR_Offenbach: 2 no-travel-scholarships
AIR_Frankfurt awards six and AIR_Offenbach awards two no travel grants of 1,000 € each, which are offered to support artistic research projects.
Funding is provided for the implementation of research projects that serve as preparation for a concrete project.
The scholarships are awarded with the aim of enabling in-depth work at home in times of travel limitations.
Applications are open to all artists working and living in Frankfurt am Main and Offenbach.
Deadline: 09th of October 2021 (postmark)
Who can apply?
The programme is aimed exclusively at visual artists who live and work in Frankfurt am Main or Offenbach.
Artists should be highly qualified and have successfully completed their studies at an art academy.
How to apply?
Documents must be sent by e-mail and post.
Application documents in German or English include:
- Completed application form
- Project and research proposal (max. 2200 characters incl. spaces)
- Portfolio of works (max. 16 pages)
- Curriculum vitae
The documents should be sent to:
- by post:
basis e.V.
AIR No-Travel
Gutleutstr. 8-12
60329 Frankfurt am Main
For the return of the application documents, please enclose a stamped and addressed envelope.
Only applications that are complete and formally correct can be considered.
How is one selected?
The scholarship holders are selected by an independent jury of experts.