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AIR_Frankfurt: Austellung
Sasha Velichko
Thursday, 20.03.2025 - 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm


basis e.V. Gutleutstraße 8-12 60329 Frankfurt am Main

We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition Black Box by Sasha Velichko on 20 March at 6 pm.

At the Black Box exhibition, Sasha Velichko presents a poignant reflection on propaganda-driven manipulation and the resilience of Belarusian society. In her projects State of Denial and Form of Defiance, she compels viewers to confront the absurdity of arbitrary arrests and the repressive mechanisms of the Belarusian regime.


The residency of Sasha Velichko at basis e.V. is made possible within the project PerspAKTIV by the belarusian community RAZAM e.V.


Opening hours:

March 21.-24, 2025:  4 – 6 p.m.


In addition you may contact reach out via Instagram @areyoushure_ for an appointment outside the opening hours.