AIR_Offenbach: Open for artists based in Offenbach
Who can apply?
- AIR_Offenbach is aimed exclusively at artists who live and work in Offenbach (registration).
- The artists should be highly qualified and ideally have a successful degree from an art college or be in an advanced stage of their studies (intermediate diploma or similar).
- To be fluent in English is a further requirement
What is provided?
- 1000 € of monthly financial support
- travel costs
- accomodation in a studio-apartment
- integration into an artist network
- curatorial support from the hosting organization
How to apply?
Applications need to be made through our online-form. Your application is classed as complete only when the form is fully filled out and the portfolio/cv file is uploaded.
A complete application in english should consist of:
- filled out application form, including descriptions of
- Professional Background (max. 1500 characters incl. blanks)
- Work Proposal and motivation (max. 3000 characters incl. blanks)
- artistic CV
- work portfolio (max. 16 pages - please limit the data volume of the digital version)
who is selecting?
The selection of resident artists follows the same rules in Frankfurt/Offenbach as it does in the guest countries: An independent jury selects up to five candidates and suggests these to an independent jury of the partner organization abroad. Of these candidates, they select a scholar who they believe is at a stage in their artistic development at which they will be likely to benefit artistically from a three month stay and who fits with the exchange program of the individual institutions the best.