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New works
Michael Beutler, Dirk Fleischmann, Martin Hoener, Nayon Lee, Sascha Pohle, Mandla Reuter
05.02.2010 bis 18.04.2010


Donnerstag, 04.02.2010 - 19:00 uhr


tuesday- friday
11:00 - 19:00

saturday, sunday
12:00 - 18:00


Donnerstag, 01.04.2010 - 18:00 uhr


basis e.V. Gutleutstraße 8-12 60329 Frankfurt am Main

From February 5 to March 21, 2010 basis is delighted to present an exhibition featuring newly elaborated positions in a series by former students of the Städel Academy in Frankfurt/Main. The works elucidate topics now emerging among contemporary international artists and simultaneously create space for new, unusual ideas and concepts. All the works presented as part of the exhibition developed in the course of the last 12 months and will be exhibited in a German-speaking country for the first time ever.

Michael Beutler (born in 1976 in Oldenburg) lives and works in Berlin. Since 2001 his works have been on show both in a series of international group exhibitions but also in solo shows, for example in the Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, in PAN Naples, in The Hayward, London and Boniers Konsthall, Stock-holm.

Dirk Fleischmann (born in 1974 in Schweinfurt) has since 2006 participated in various studio programs in Singapore, Seoul and Manila. Since 2009 he has taught as visiting professor at Hansung University in Seoul. His works have been presented amongst other places in Tensta Konstall, Spanga, in the Netty Horn Gallery, London, in the Portikus, Frankfurt and also in the Alter-native Space Pool, Seoul.

Martin Hoener (born in 1976 in Wedel near Hamburg) lives and works in Ber-lin. His works have been on view at the KW-Institute for Contemporary Art (HOTEL MARIENBAD 002), in Berlin, in the gallery Croy/Nielsen, in the Frankfurter Kunstverein, in Kunsthalle Basel but also in solo shows in the window of the Kunstverein Düsseldorf and in Galerie Eva Winkler, Frankfurt.

Nayon Lee (born in Seoul) lives in Frankfurt and works in the studios in »ba-sis«. His works have been presented in Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, in Hafen 2, Offenbach and in the Ausstellungshalle 1A, Frankfurt. 2008/2009 he received a work and exhibition fellowship in SSamzie Space, Seoul.

Sascha Pohle (born in 1972 in Düsseldorf) lives and works in Amsterdam. In addition to his participation in a series of international exhibitions including the Videonale 12, Bonn, the Stedelijk Bureau, Amsterdam and the Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, in 2009 he received a work and exhibition fellow-ship in Meet Factory, Prague.

Mandla Reuter (born in 1975 in Nqutu, South Africa) lives and works in Berlin. In recent years his works were on show in a series of international exhibitions, including the Word Event, Kunsthalle Basel, the Site Santa Fe Biennial 2008, in Galerie Mezzanindu, Vienna and the Kunstverein Lingen.

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